About Asher Hartman
I am an artist and an intuitive. A graduate of UCLA and CalArts, I’ve developed a visual theater practice that blends intuition with research and an intense writing and rehearsal process. I've been teaching people to develop their intuition for over 14 years, first as part of the educational psychic duo Krystal Krunch (with Haruko Tanak) and now in workshops with actors and artists. I’ve been reading for individuals since 2001. I see, hear, and sense the information that those who come to me need in order to reconnect with the love that surrounds them. Each time I read for someone, I see the glorious nature of the human being, vividly. I’ve learned just how complex, how divine, and purposeful we really are. My goal is to share that with you in the clearest, most engaged way I can so that you can continue your exploration of life with a beacon of your greatest potential before you.
My Code of Ethics
1. I work to enhance your sense of self, your sense of possibility in this life. My readings are focused on self-acceptance.
2. I invite all people of all walks of life, race, ethnicity, religious or spiritual paths, gender expressions and sexual orientations to visit me and will treat everyone with respect. You must, however, be 18 years or older to receive a reading.
3. If I cannot connect with you, there is no charge for services. I will refer you to another intuitive when possible.
4. I do not intend to give advice or predict the future. I acknowledge that everyone has free will and try to inspire clarity, inner vision and confidence so that you can move into the opportunities, gifts, skills and talents that are suggested through the reading.
5. I encourage those who seek me to take responsibility for their own lives, to discern what is true for them and what is not true for them in a reading. I do not claim authority over any life, nor do I assume that I know what is best for the client. I offer intuitive reflection.
6. I strive to keep my fees reasonable and will not charge the client more than the fee the client agreed to prior to setting an appointment.
7. All readings are confidential and discreet. Note that if a client chooses to have a reading over Zoom, FaceTime, cell phone and other such means of communication, I cannot guarantee total privacy due to the nature of these modalities.
8. I do not claim 100 percent accuracy in my readings, as no psychic or intuitive can claim 100 percent accuracy. Further my goal is to "see" the highest and best potential in your life rather than predict future events or reveal incidental details of your life to you. I strive for accuracy in all my readings and will work to describe what I see, hear and sense with the clearest, most nuanced language.
9. I advise my clients that I am not a licensed therapist, psychiatrist, or medical doctor and therefore do not give diagnosis or psychological counseling. I am not a medical intuitive. I will never tell clients that they are going to die, that they are seriously ill or in danger.
10. I will never coerce my clients into believing what I tell them. I encourage all clients to follow their own truths, to discard anything said during the reading that doesn't resonate.
11. I encourage the client to communicate any dissatisfaction at the time of the reading. If that cannot be done, I encourage the client to contact me as soon as possible so that I can rectify the issue, provide a refund, or help clarify any misunderstanding. It is my goal to provide the best possible service to help the client with as much love, inspiration, positive feeling, and clarity as possible.
12. If in the unlikely event I must cancel a reading, I will do so as soon as it becomes evident through illness, accident or other issue that I cannot be present. I encourage clients to do the same.
This list was inspired by the Psychic and Clairvoyance Code of Ethics
Photo: Ian Byers-Gamber
Site design: Kiss of the World Design / Haruko Tanaka