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Los Angeles, CA

Gawdafful National Theater


My intuitive practice is part of my larger art practice. For over ten years, the artists, performance artists and actors who are part of my company, Gawdafful National Theater, have been challenging the form and content of theater in an art world context, taking wild creative risks working on the psychic and psychological scores of American violence. You can check out our work here.

Pictured above from left to right: The Dope Elf (2021-2019, commissioned by The Lab in San Francisco and Yale Union in Portland Oregon.) with Paul Outlaw, Joe Seely, Michael Bonnabel, Philip Littell, Zut Lorz, and in the center Jacqueline Wright. Photo by Ian Byers-Gamber. Costumes by Brian Getnick with Nikii Henry. Paul Outlaw’s crown by Patrick Ballard.